  • April: congratulations to Jesse Kuebler for winning an award with his presentation "Role of Processing and Molecular Characteristics on Crystallization of Poly(3-hexylthiophene)” at the Spring 2023  Student Research Days competition at UNL.
  • April: Trygve Santelman and Francisco Tramonte are awarded UCARE undergraduate research funding for the 2023-24 academic year!
  • April: Prof. Fernandez-Ballester gives a seminar at the Mechanical & Materials Engineering department in UNL.
  • March: Prof. Fernandez-Ballester organized and chaired the invited session "Recent Progress in Polymer Crystallization" at the 2023 APS March meeting. 
  • February: Prof. Fernandez-Ballester gives a talk at the Chemical and Biomedical Engineering department at Florida State University.